Monday, October 23, 2017

Living the dream

 Hey everyone! Sorry I have been in and out of contact for the last little bit. I'm alive and well!

To be honest, I'm more busy than I've ever been! We have a full time job just trying to keep track of all of our friends here in Jena! I guess it's a good problem to have. 

Here are some pictures from the last bit,

Me and elder To
Me with stuff on my nose at party
Me (the moving hand) cheering on Frank on his way to victory
Me with elder Vasai and a new buddy that's bringing his whole family to church on Sunday so that he can try and beat me at foosball during primary! 

Everyone should read 3 Nephi 18 and apply it in their lives! So do it!

Love you all!
Elder Openshaw 

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