Monday, May 1, 2017

Zeugen Jesu Christi

Received 4/3/2017 

This week was incredible! And like always, we were mistaken for the
Jehova's Witnesses many times. As we applied for permission to hang
posters around the town, the lady helping us wrote down "Zeugen..."
(witnesses) and then took a long look at our name tags and wrote "Jesu
Christi." So I hope that we didn't accidentally get the Jehovas
Witnesses permission to hang signs...

This week was a cool collection of really random things! Probably the
highlight was playing basketball with 15 Chinese guys. I had an
incredible height, speed, and experience advantage. I honestly felt
like I should play in the NBA, and it turns out that a couple of them
had interest in the church!

Honestly I can't think of anything else to add.

I love Jena! I never want to leave this place.

Elder Openshaw

1. Hiking the hills
2. Musical Night! Would love to see you there!
3. Waiting for Mahmud

Plus: I promise that we wear mission clothes. I'll prove it next week!

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