Thursday, May 4, 2017

"Nicht versagen, Elders Fragen!"

Another great week! Tons of fun activities, bad Chinese, and interesting people!

Things of this week
-street display: this time we were ready for the eager crowds! We
brought the district with, and went out armed with chalk and our
trusty whiteboard. It was tons of fun, and lots of little kids stopped
and helped us to draw our house!
-chicken stand: elder Hsu can't pass up parking lot chicken. It was
honestly so good, And the chicken stand guy wanted a Book of Mormon!
-flowers: spring flowers in Germany are incredible, and made for super
fun "grandma visits"
-Facebook: yes, I'm allowed to use it. Yes, it's weird. Yeah, I know
in your day that missionaries would go door to door all day. Yes, the
world is changing.
-Chinese: still working hard. Still don't know if someone said that
they liked the food or that they want to sleep.
-friends: we have lots of friends visiting the church right now, they are good.
-trains: I'm going to miss riding on trains when I go home.
- the gospel: still true.
-my favorite scripture story at the moment: Christ and the rich young
ruler. An incredible reminder to invest in the things that matter. If
being a Christian just meant to follow the Ten Commandments,
Christianity would be an awfully shallow practice. I am so grateful to
know that being "Christian" means so much more than going to church on
Sunday. I am grateful to be part of a church that teaches us to serve
our fellow men. There is so much joy awaiting anyone who will serve
those around them.
"We become more substantive as we serve others--indeed, it is easier
to “find” ourselves because there is so much more of us to find! …"
-President Spencer W. Kimball

I love you all,
Tell your mom how much you love her,

Elder Openshaw

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