Monday, January 30, 2017

Sorry, but your princess is in another castle!

Well, I wasn't looking for any Princesses... but the investigators
must be in another castle as well. Regardless it was an awesome week!
I think I'm finally getting the affliction that I was expecting coming
here to Germany! In the past couple weeks I got yelled at for the
first time, kicked out of an apartment building, had to politely
excuse myself and my companion as we accidentally talk to Muslim
women, had a huge language barrier (story later on), and froze to
death twice!

Speaking of language barrier, we somehow ended up in a lesson with a
family that speaks only Spanish. So I desperately tried to remember
the tiny bit of Spanish from my freshman year, and the tiny bit of
Spanish that the waiter tried to teach me and the Barber kids in
Mexico. I succeeded in saying that my name was "Eldersito Openshaw,"
but they kept calling me "Richard" the whole time... so maybe I didn't
succeed. We have an appointment with them this Friday, luckily we will
be skyping some Spanish speakers.

Other than that, this week was so great. I will be staying in
Braunschweig for at least another 6 weeks, and we are actually having
two Turkish speaking elders move in with us.
I also want you all to know that this Church is blessed, and that if
you aren't on the train/"good ship Zion"/active membership of the
church, get there fast! It's amazing to see the influence of the
church, even here in Germany where the membership is small.

Love you all!

Eldersito Openshaw

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