Monday, January 1, 2018


Hey everyone!! You're probably wondering what's going on in my life! Well, not much.  Holidays are pretty brutal on the mission.  Literally everyone that we've talked to for the past 2 weeks were on vacation here, or leaving on vacation in the next couple days.  But things should settle down now, and we should be able to have a nice, hardworking winter.  

I have also had 2 companions for the past two weeks, which has been incredible!  The holiday spirit was amazing!  We sent off Elder Heywood today toward his next area, hopefully he makes it.  And now it's down to just me and my winter companion, Elder Lorenzen!  

The most important things that have happened since we last talked.... I have eaten lots of food, watched an impressive amount of fireworks from my apartment window, and listened to my favorite German Boy's Choir sing Christmas songs.  and that's it!  Here are some pictures!

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