Monday, February 20, 2017

Make it happen

My mission President's motto is "make it happen," and it is something
he takes really seriously haha. This week felt like a who lot of
making things happen haha, which was awesome!

Super busy week, and I can't wait to keep the streak going!

Monday was good, lots of ping pong with Elder Çakir. Followed by an
awesome appointment with a family. Sadly missed our train, so we had
to wait at the old train tracks for 45 minutes.

Tuesday we went to this awesome board game night with random people in
Braunschweig. It was super fun, and we just chatted up lots of people
and made friends.

Wednesday, Elder Römer was in town! Haha I was so excited to see him.
It was really cool to see how much we have both changed as
missionaries. I seriously miss him, and hope to serve with him again.
We pretty much just had district meeting, and found the rest of the

Thursday was probably the greatest day of my mission, even though we
had NOTHING planned. We ended up eating at the University Cafeteria
with an inactive member. And then he came finding with us, and showed
us how it's done... it was amazing. He has got some talent, and I hope
we can go finding with him often.

Friday was killer, we ended up having some crazy lessons with an
awesome old Jehovas witness guy. I think we're gonna be able to poach
him haha, and I'm super excited about him. Then we had a little bit of
finding, and hung out with Brother Herud before we took off to another

Saturday we played sports and then had the most amazing lesson with
Donald, but we found out that he can't read. He tried to hide it from
us, and always tries to read. But when I found out I just cried like a
baby... this guy got forced to leave his country because of all the
wars and terrorism, and ended up here. And it just breaks my heart
that he never had the chance to learn to read. He's super awesome and
I am so happy we can work with him.

Sunday was awesome as always! Sadly I'm totally out of my rubber
animals! So the kids have been so disappointed these last two weeks!
Aunt Julianne! Save me! Haha I love this ward, and I'm happy to be

My thought from this week is just to remember a teacher that has
influenced your life, and write them a letter. I have honestly come to
realise how much teachers have influenced my life, and I just want to
say a thank you to anyone that helped to get me out here! I love you

Elder Openshaw

1. After missing the train in the one railway station
2. Studying at my desk
3. What a lesson with Donald looks like. (In French)
4. Finding with Jan

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