Monday, December 5, 2016

Frohlicher Weihnachts

This week was super awesome.  Elder Roemer and I had a lot of fun and worked really hard on sharing the light the world initiative.  It's been super fun.  We did tons of walking this week and met with some very strange inactive members.  We also went to the Weihnachtsmarkt for P-day which is just so insanely cool.  It has gotten COLD here! The humidity freezes during the night and then the trees are just covered with this awesome frost.  

We have been working with a guy named Phillip a lot, he is super cool and will probably get baptized if we can get him to come to church.  His dad is also an investigator in a different area and they talk about the lessons all the time.  He reads so much and asks the most awesome questions.  You can honestly just tell that he is ready for the gospel.  Hopefully we will have a picture of him getting baptized soon!

I would definitely recommend coming here for christmas when you have the chance.  It is so awesome!

Ok, I've had two weeks in a row of the lamest emails.  So I promise that next week I will find you guys a good funny story, and I will send you some awesome pictures!

Love you all! Thank you for the emails!

Elder Openshaw

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