Saturday, August 27, 2016

Week 1 1/2

To be honest this week has flown by, and I have learned so much German.  It honestly hasn't been too bad, and I have made lots of friends.  It sucks to have to deal with a bunch of drama in the Zone, and having to go to extra meetings isn't fun, but being Zone Leader isn't too bad either.  I've gotten a bunch of packages this week and that has been amazing, they honestly get me so stoked to be here.  I have become good friends with both of my teachers, Brother Nilsen and Brother Garrett, which honestly helps so much in the German learning.  Brother Nilsen never speaks English to us, but he loves my German jokes.  Elder Taylor is a marine and he talks about that all the time, but we get along well and work hard.  Haha I am the only guy in my room that makes my bed and gets up on time.  My companion has some very strange sleeping habits, and often is yelling in his sleep, I have told him that it's probably because he lays on his bed eating Cheetos and drinking coke while he's trying to fall to sleep.  I room with Elder Garner, Elder Ockey, and Elder Taylor.  I love Elder Garner and Elder Taylor... and I'm still working on trying to love Elder Ockey.  But it's kinda hard to have your slang corrected by an Elder who didn't get out of bed until 7:00.  I'm sure we are all just trying to get used to each other.  I'm just glad he's going to Frankfurt haha.  Well, that's pretty much all that has happened this week.  Love you all!

-Zane/Elder Openshaw

*Aunt Jen here: adding a photo we received of Haley Barber and Zane this week. Haley is heading to the New Mexico Farmington Mission.*

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