Saturday, August 20, 2016

The start of a long road

Hey everyone!  I know you probably don't really care to hear how I'm doing after 3 days in the MTC but I'll email anyways.  I am doing really well and I can't wait to get to Germany (I know I'm still six weeks out though).  It seems that my German has come back in force and I am doing really well in all my language classes.  It is really fun to remember that I know most of the things I am being taught haha.  My companion is Elder Taylor, we get along super well.  We got totally shafted and ended up becoming Zone leaders.  I have seen tons of my friends, which has been really cool.  Not sure what else to say, but it has been a lot of fun so far.  I am working hard to learn German.  The pictures are of my class and my teacher, my companion, and our room.  Love all of you!


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