Monday, April 9, 2018

Smooth sailing ⛵️

I love Rostock!! This whole week was an adventure, here are some
featured moments!

All of the stores were closed and most everything was shut down due to
the amount of snow we got the day before. The weather has definitely
played a huge factor in the way things went this week, probably the
craziest weather changes in my life haha. Sunday and Monday were cold
as could be with tons of snow and a week later we have been enjoying
weather in the 70's.

I'm just going to tell you guys about Nowsheen, because we spent a lot
of time hanging out with her this week. Nowsheen is this awesome girl
from Pakistan that came here about a year ago. She met elder and
sister Franz on the street because they were speaking English and she
got really excited about it. She calls Elder and Sister Franz "mom and
dad" and we all have an awesome, hilarious relationship with her. The
funniest thing is that she is Muslim and a very strong believer in
Islam. (Although she constantly jokes about baptizing herself). She
calls us her little brothers and she is honestly like an older sister
to us, she always wants to go shopping with us haha.

Our relationship with Nowsheen is how the world ought to work. We
don't judge each other based off the precepts of what we hear on the
news. And regardless of her (or our) faith, we treat each other with
respect and love. I'm so happy that I've had the chance to meet so
many people from the Middle East here on my mission. They have really
broadened my perspective and changed my view of the world.

God is great, and he loves us.

Elder Openshaw

(Here are some pictures with Nowsheen and at the castle in Schwerin)

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