Saturday, March 18, 2017

Eastward Bound!

Hey everyone! This week was again amazing!

1. Donald is getting baptized in three weeks! I'm so excited for him,
he honestly is the most humble guy and so ready to be baptized. Sadly
I won't be around for it because....
2. I am getting transferred on Wednesday to a city called Jena, which
is right next to my old city, Erfurt. I'm going there to learn Chinese
from an Elder from China. I'm super excited, and honestly excited to
work super hard to learn Chinese.
3. I caught my favorite kids in the ward crying that I was leaving.
Broke my heart.
4. Accidentally talked to Jehova's Witnesses on the street for the first time.
5. Ate lots of good food!

I also learned some really great lessons about opening my heart to
people. It's something I've prayed for my entire mission, and I have
really found that if I open my heart to people that I really can make
a difference in their lives. I encourage you all to do the same.
I love you all! Thanks for your support!
Elder Openshaw

1. Donald after church
2. Out getting stuff done
3. The Miles Family
4. The district

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